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A controlled thermonuclear reaction occurs around 20' beneath the central area of columns 76 through 81 causing the earth to noticeably shake. Subsequently, a subsidence is formed allowing columns 76 - 82 to descend.

The event was record by the LDEO
(Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory)

WTC - 7 - plan with explosive definitions.001.jpeg

Following the removal of support for columns 76 - 81 a rapid series of audible explosions are witnessed.

These explosions are set in the basement level and take out the remaining core columns, from east (left) to west (right) in short succession.

At approximately 5:20, WTC 7 collapses in under 7 seconds to a neat pile, mostly contained within its footprint.

This is an illustration the LDEO seismographic recording.

There appear to be two separate events in this graphic. The first "spike" at just before 20s and at around 26s a series of lesser events.

Thermo Nuclear event, approximately 20' deep in the bedrock beneath WTC - 7?
A series of secondary "AIR" explosions, in
the lowest level. These removed the remaining columns, from east to west in a
sequence that lasted for
less than 2 seconds.


After the 35s marker the activity begins to drop to noise floor.

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